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Arkham Horror Edge of the Earth Pre-orders

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Last week, Fantasy Flight Games announced a change in the way expansions for the Arkham Horror Card Game get released. Instead of Deluxe Expansions and smaller 60 card packs from now on, there will be one Investigator Expansion and one Campaign Expansion for each cycle. The start will make Arkham Horror Edge of the Earth with the two expansions including 250 player cards (Investigator expansion) and 300 scenario cards (Campaign expansion) for the Edge of the Earth storyline.

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That’s right, you read that correctly. We are unveiling not one, but two new expansions: the Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion and the Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion. These two expansions are the first in line of the new way we will be releasing Arkham Horror LCG expansions going forward. Read on to discover exactly what this means for the future of the game, and to see what sort of new horrors these boxes bring to the table!


Before we show off any new investigators, scenarios, or any other goodies, let’s take a moment to discuss the elephant in the room: the fact that these two expansions are both called Edge of the Earth. You may have guessed that one of the expansions has nothing but player cards and the other has nothing but scenario cards, and you would be right!


Meanwhile, the Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion has no player cards in sight. Instead, this expansion contains over 300 scenario cards to support the entirety of the Edge of the Earth campaign, including the materials for a breathtaking new story, branching paths, and more. The best part? All you need is a core set and a copy of this expansion to jump right into this chilling tale—no other materials required! While we will no longer be releasing monthly Mythos packs going forward, this single expansion contains about the same amount of content as an entire cycle from the old release model. It’s a full campaign all in one package!

(Source: Fantasy Flight Games Announcement)
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Both expansions are now available to pre-order. The Investigator expansion has a estimated release date of end of August and the Campaign expansion has a planned release date of end of October.

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