Last Week of our Kickstarter

Home > Noticias de la tienda > Last Week of our Kickstarter

We are on Kickstarter at the moment to collect the funding needed to make the new shop Meeples' Corner has moved in the best we can.

/wp:paragraph wp:html Meeples' Corner: Bigger & Better -- Kicktraq Mini /wp:html wp:paragraph

There is only one more week left and we still need £2000 to reach our target. If you haven't looked at the Kickstarter yet, please click on the link and check out the different rewards we are offering:

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  • access to our Discord server or
  • Mug & beer mats or
  • free shipping for a year or
  • free games rentals from our Games Library for a year or
  • sponsorship of our new Gaming Table
/wp:list wp:paragraph

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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