
Meeples' Corner 2.0 is here

Home > Noticias de la tienda > Meeples' Corner 2.0 is here

After weeks and weeks of spending time and effort to put everything together, our new online shop is now finally online.

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For new visitors the changes will properly not very clear, this is after all still a website to buy board games and there are only so many different ways you can display games and sell them. But for regulars and customer who have been with us for a while, there will be a few new things and changes to notice:

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My Account:

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  • Most important: your old login details are still working. Click on My account and you will be able to log in like you used to do on the old website. The account section will list all your order dating back to the beginning of 2019. The only difference: the order ids had to change because the new software is doing things slightly differently.
  • A new feature of My Account is a separate list of all games you have on pre-order. For these games, the estimated release date (always the end of the month) is displayed, so you can always see what new game(s) you can expect next.
  • My Account is also the place to pay for pre-orders from now on. Instead of getting a payment link by email from us, you will get a notification that your order can get shipped and you can go to My Account and pay the order by clicking on the Pay button. Advantages: you can choose if you want to pay by credit/debit card or Paypal and there is not the problem that the payment link becomes invalid because you didn't have time to pay on the same day the message came.
  • This new payment procedure is also the reason why it is no longer possible to order as a guest. To use the Pay Button in My Account you need to have an account, otherwise, this won't work.
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Shop Pages:

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  • When you are on the new website and have a quick question, there is now a live chat available. I will do my best to answer your questions during my shop and office hours. If I'm not fast enough or not available anymore, you can always leave your email address and I will get back to you as fast as possible.
  • Our blog is now integrated into the shop and you have easy access to the latest news around Meeples' Corner and the board game industry.
  • Out of stock games can no longer be ordered/add to the shopping basket. This way it is easier for everyone involved to avoid any misunderstanding.
  • But to make it easier to find all games that can be ordered, we have finally added a filter that allows you to only look at the games that are in stock or can be ordered from our suppliers within a couple of days. The website still lists a large number of out of stock games. In the next few weeks, we will reduce this by removing older games that are no longer available. But we will also start marking games differently that are not really out of stock, but which we can get from our suppliers in Germany within a few days.
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I hope you will enjoy using the new website. It is a completely new software for us, so there will be problems and bugs we haven't found yet. So if you find anything that is not working properly or looks weird, please let us know and we will find a way to fix it.

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