New arrivals and restocks (17/04/18)

Home > Noticias de la tienda > New arrivals and restocks (17/04/18)
This week sees only a handful of new board games and expansions:
But what got me excited is that we finally managed to stockFrostgrave (Fantasy Skirmish) andGaslands (Mad Max style car battles/races), two wargame rulesets from Osprey Games. Both games don't need massive amounts of miniatures or terrain or other things to play them. If you have some Hotwheel or Matchbox cars, some D6 dice and a large enough table you have everything you need to play Gaslands. And Frostgrave is perfect if you have a Fantasy board game with miniatures like Descent, the D&D games of Zombicide: Black Plague. With the figures from these games, 2x D20, a ruler to measure movements and playing area of 3' x 3' you have everything to try out this game and have a blast.
And back in stock areDice Forge andBattle For Rokugan .
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