Reworld and Heaven & Ale update

Home > Noticias de la tienda > Reworld and Heaven & Ale update
Last Friday we received an update from Pegasus Spiele (the German distributor for eggertspiele) about the two new releasesReworld andHeaven & Ale .
Because eggertspiele is now a part of Plan B Games, they are no longer producing a German/English edition of the games. The will sell a German edition under the eggertspiele label and an English edition under the Plan B Games label.
This is contrary to the information we had when we uploaded both games to the shop. We have changed the language details in the game's description now to "German rules, but language independent with English rules available online". Because we still think there will be interest in those two games, we will go ahead with our order from Germany (both games should be available within the next 2 weeks).
At this moment we don't have any details (price, release date) about the English edition, so we can't offer them for pre-order until we know these.
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