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Spiel des Jahres Nominees 2021

Home > Noticias de la tienda > Spiel des Jahres Nominees 2021

It's the time of the year again: the jury for the Spiel des Jahres has announced the list of nominees for 2021. The games on the list are an interesting selection covering different genres, mechanismen and price points.

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The Spiel des Jahres Nominees 2021 are:

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My favourite here is MicroMacro, one of the biggest surprise of the last six month and a game everybody I know enjoys.

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The Kennerspiel des Jahres Nominees are more aimed at gamers and the nominees in this category are:

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Out of these three, I would go with Lost Ruins of Arnak. Unfortunately, I haven't played it yet, but based on the reactions from our customers this would be a worthy winner.

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Link: English announcement on BGG.com

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