
Three new games from dlp Games

Home > Noticias de la tienda > Three new games from dlp Games

dlp Games already announced CloudAge as one new release for Q4 2020. Now they have announced three additional titles (all coming in Q4 2020):

/wp:paragraph wp:image {"align":"center","id":17719,"width":322,"height":450,"sizeSlug":"large"}
Monasterium Board Game Cover
Monasterium cover
/wp:image wp:list /wp:list wp:image {"align":"center","id":17765,"width":374,"height":375,"sizeSlug":"large"}
Remember our Trip board game cover
Remember Our Trip cover
/wp:image wp:paragraph

All three games/expansions are now available to pre-order. At the moment we think that the games will become available at the end of October after the Virtual Spiel 2020. We will post an update should that change.

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