Top 5 December

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December was a busy end to the year despite the disappointment of quite a number of delays. Here is a look at our bestseller and the hot pre-orders:Top 5 Sales
1) KeyForge: Call of the Archons (Starter Set and Decks)
2) Crown of Emara
3) The Fox in the Forest
4) The Quacks of Quedlinburg
5) Arboretum (2018 Edition)
KeyForge was by far our bestseller in December and it was great to get a restock of the Starter Sets in a couple of weeks before Christmas. Crown of Emara has slowly picked up steam since Essen. The first few weeks after Essen nobody seemed to care about it, but now with more and more people talking about it the orders started coming in on a regular basis. The Fox in the Forest and Arboretum are both perfect Christmas games: they look great, don't cost the world and have family-friendly themes. The English edition of Quacks appeared out of nowhere but was a hit from day one.
Top 5 Pre-Orders
1) Underwater Cities
2) Men At Work
3) A Feast for Odin: The Norwegians
4) New Frontiers
5) Bad Bones
Pre-orders are always a bit slower in the time before Christmas because everybody is hunting Christmas presents and is more looking for games that are in stock. So the pre-order for the Underwater Cities reprint had an easy time to get to the top of our pre-order leaderboard. Men at Work was one of the games that didn't make it before Christmas, so these orders were originally meant for Christmas. The Feast for Odin expansion is very popular since the Essen board game show and New Frontiers got a late boost by the first Youtube videos appearing online during the Christmas holidays. Bad Bones is a small surprise because this new game from the Magic Maze publisher Sit Down! got a bit buried in the avalanche of new announcements before and after Essen.
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