top 5 January 2019

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January is always a bit of a quieter months for us. Partly because of our break at the beginning of the month and partly because most people tend to take a break from buying new games after the spending spree before Christmas

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But we still had a few games that did very well for us, so here is a look at the Top 5 in sales for January 2019:

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1) Root
2) Root: Riverfolk Expansion
3) Chronicles of Crime
4) The Quacks of Quedlinburg
5) SpaceCorp: 2025-2300 AD

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Only two new games made it into our Top 5, the other three (Root, Chronicles of Crime and Quacks) were restocks of very popular games. The success of the Riverfolk expansion was no surprise, because Root was one of the biggest hits of 2018. And SpaceCorp is the first game from GMT making it into the Top 5.

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And here are the Top 5 in Pre-orders:

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1) Wingspan
2) Treasure Island
3) Underwater Cities
4) LotR: Journeys in Middle-earth
5) Inis: Isle of Seasons

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Wingspan is the next big thing from Stonemaier Games. We had to close our pre-orders, because the first print run is all but sold out. But the good news is that the reprint is already in the works and shouldn't be too far behind the first print run and is expected to become available in April/May.

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