Top 5: November

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November is behind us and it is time for another Top 5. This is the first one post-Essen and some of the top games were a surprise for me:
Top 5 Sales
  1. Altiplano
  2. Calimala
  3. Santa Maria
  4. Azul
  5. Indian Summer

Calimala and Santa Maria are the two surprise on this list. Both are really good games with very positive feedback after Essen, but not the big hits I was expecting here. But their success is also based on the fact, that they haven't  been on general release in the UK (yet???) and we luckily managed to get stock in shortly after Essen.
And this list doesn't include big Essen hits like Nusfjord, Charterstone and Photosynthesis, because they have been delayed and are only arriving now.
Top 5 Pre-Orders
  1. Rajas of the Ganges
  2. Clans of Caledonia
  3. John Company
  4. Bunny Kingdom
  5. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle

Again, a few surprises here: Rajas went a bit under the radar at Essen (a bit like Ulm last year, so maybe it is also connected to the publisher), but it is a new Inka & Markus Brand game, which are always quite popular. No surprise with Clans of Caledonia, it was only stopped from taking spot #1 by a limited number of copies available. John Company is another surprise: Sierra Madre Games is normally known for very heavy games that are only interesting for a very small number of gamers, but this one has an interesting theme and is apparently more on the lighter side.
And again a small footnote to this Top 5: there are none of the big hitters like Azul, Nusfjord, Charterstone etc. included, because for most or all of these the pre-orders closed shortly before or after Essen based on the high demand and us wanting to make sure that every pre-order customer will get a copy.
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