TWo Essen Releases from Keep Exploring Games

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Keep Exploring Games is a newer Dutch board game publisher. This year they have announced two new releases for the Essen show:

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This version of Mississippi Queen includes the original base game that won the 1997 Spiel des Jahres as well as The Black Rose expansion that increased the player count to six and included the "Black Rose", a black paddle wheeler controlled by whichever player is currently in last place. This boat does not require any coal and can be used to hamper opponents in the lead.

(Source: Publisher description)
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You are a painter in Old Masters, and you've decided to participate in "Bateau Lavoir", a friendly competition between several painters in a workshop in Montmartre, Paris. The newspapers know about this challenge, so perhaps this is a good opportunity to become famous, following the path of Cézanne, Toulouse-Lautrec, Monet, or Renoir...
Old Masters is a management game in which you must take care of your paint tubes, mixtures, and time to create works, all the while anticipating others to perform as needed within a rotating set of actions.

(Source: Publisher description)
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And the good news is that both games will be available before the Essen show starts. We are expecting the delivery sometime between the 21st and 25th October.

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