Updates: Terraforming Mars, Cry Havoc and the new Ashes decks

Home > Noticias de la tienda > Updates: Terraforming Mars, Cry Havoc and the new Ashes decks
Today we have received our first delivery ofTerraforming Mars . We have got enough copies to fulfil the pre-orders, but unfortunately there are no copies left for new orders. But we have received confirmation that we will get a restock during the second week of November. And more good news: We have enough copies of the "Small Asteroid" promo card left for the restock delivery in November.cryhavoc Cry Havoc will get released on Thursday at the Essen board game show and the expectation was that the game would also be available for retailers at the same time (at least that was what our suppliers told us). I've checked with three different suppliers yesterday and so far none of them has received any stock of Cry Havoc. One of them will talk to Portal at Essen, so hopefully next week when he is back I should know more about a possible delivery date for Cry Havoc.ashes_duchess
The two new decks forAshes: Rise of the Phoenix have arrived in the UK last Friday, but unfortunately the same that happened with the first two decks has happened again: Esdevium, the UK distributor, has received just a few cases of the new decks, barely enough to supply all the shops that are running the release tournaments. Because of this very limited availability Esdevium has removed the decks from general sale and are now waiting for a new delivery, which unfortunately can take a few weeks.
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