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Dragomino wins Kid's Game of the Year award in France

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After we wrote last week about MicroMacro winning the Game of Year award in France, this week is the turn of the Kid's Game of the Year. The award has been won by Dragomino, the children's game based on the award-winning Kingdomino.

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The big moment has arrived. You have been named “dragon trainer”, and you have the chance to meet them on a mysterious island. But you are not the only trainer sent to these lands. Who among you will discover the most baby dragons?

The Kingdomino family is expanding with Dragomino, a version for children who are going to go in search of dragon eggs.

(Source: Publisher description)
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Here is the press release from publisher Blue Orange Games about winning the award:

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The Blue Orange team is really proud to see Dragomino awarded Game of the year in the kid category. This prize reward not only the game but also all the work that has been done by the designers Bruno Cathala, Marie and Wilfried Fort, the illustrators Maeva Da Silva and Christine Deschamps and the Blue Orange editorial team.

(Source: Blue Orange Games website)
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And if you haven't heard about Dragomino yet, have a look at this short video review:

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The video gives you a good feeling of the game and if it could be something for you/your children. For older children, you can certainly start with Kingdomino or Queendomino instead to offer a bit more of a challenge. But for younger children, I can only recommend it. I play it all the time with my four-year-old daughter, she loves the game and even has started using the components to come up with her own expansion.

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