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Folded Space Inserts: New stock

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If you are serious about board game you can't go wrong with Folded Space inserts. They are easy to put together, lightweight, use the box space completely and also speed up the setup and takedown of your favourite board game.

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You don't believe me? You can watch Paul Grogan's (Gaming Rules!) putting together the insert for A Feast for Odin and how he uses the finished insert to organise all the game components:

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The Folded Space inserts have become very popular in the last couple of years so by now you should be able to get an insert for most of the popular games. And if the one you are looking for isn't available yet, there is a very good chance it will become available soon.

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We stock a few of the inserts at the shop and just have received new stock including the new Wingspan insert (now includes space for Oceania and European expansion), inserts for Underwater Cities, Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion and Isle of Cats (not on the photo).

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If you can't find an insert you are looking for (click on the link below to go the product page for the inserts), please let us know and we will try to get the insert for you as soon as possible.

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