
Human Punishment: The Beginning

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Human Punishment: The Beginning is a stand-alone game and the Prequel of Human Punishment: Social Deduction 2.0 and is a semi-cooperate, social deduction & pick-up and deliver hybrid!

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Human Punishment The Beginning (Godot Games) cover
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3-6 players try to avoid the secret Machine revolution, but Machine spies are everywhere and they try to corrupt the Human players. There are also Outlaws, Fallen and Legion just as in Human Punishment and every faction works for their own goals.

This game features a new mechanic called CWS (Connecting World System), which gives you the option to combine Human Punishment: The Beginning with Human Punishment: Social Deduction 2.0 to experience an epic theme night with YOUR OWN outcome!

(Source: Publisher description)
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A quick overview of the game gives you this short video from Meeple University:

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The game has an estimated release date of June and pre-orders are now open.

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