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Dragomino wins Kinderspiel des Jahres

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Dragomino (designed by Bruno CathalaMarie Fort and Wilfried Fort) is the Kinderspiel des Jahres winner 2021.

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In this standalone children’s version of “Kingdomino”, the winner of the “Spiel des Jahres” award in 2017, players need clever matching skills, a bit of luck and a good eye on the overall situation to collect as many dragons, and as many points, as possible. “Dragomino” cleverly reduces the game to its essential ingredients while remaining faithful to the original, resulting in an exciting game that you’ll want to bring to the table again and again.

“Dragomino” is an impressive example of how you can turn a family game into a children’s game. This sister game to “Kingdomino” brings an interesting fantasy atmosphere to the table. Children will feel confident playing after just one game. The clever balance of luck and tactics means children will always want to dive into the world of the domino dragons.

(Source: Jury statement)
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