Blog Feature - Royal Visit

A look at Royal Visit

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The Royal Visit board game is a new edition of a Reiner Knizi two-player game called Time Square from 2006:

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The valley is in turmoil: the King is on his way! What a pride it would be for your lineage to have the King’s court taking a break in your castle! Use the powers of the wizard and the fool to attract the king to your domain, and become a legend in the valley!

The Royal Visit board game is the new strategy game by Reiner Knizia for 2 players: a smart and exciting tug-of-war game, where you try to use each character’s ability optimally to make the court advancing to your valley!

(Source: Publisher description)
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Iello has done an amazing job with the components with the medieval style artwork, largen wooden meeples and cloth playing mat.

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Royal Visit Rulebook and most of the components
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The Royal Visit board game is a tug of war-style card game where both players try to move the court into their duchy and castle to score points and win the game. To do this the players can use the special power of the Wizard and Jester who make the manipulation of the court (King and his guards) easier. The game is easy to explain, but hard to master: you have to play at least once to understand how the different cards and powers work together to move the characters around the map in a way that helps you and slows down the plans of your opponent. But once you get it, it is a delight to play this game and I wasn't expecting at all how much I would like this game.

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One of the Jester cards
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The Game Boy Geek has posted a short video that gives you a one minute overview of the game and his thought about it. Have a look to get a good impression of the game and if it could be something for you:

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