Home > Nouvelles de la boutique > TOP 5 SEPTEMBER
September is the month between the two biggest board game shows: The UK sees some of the GenCon releases arriving and at the same time the pre-orders for Essen releases start to go online.
All of the games in the Top 5 Sales have been presented at GenCon and were available in the UK shortly after the show.
1) Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium
2) Wasteland Express Delivery Service
3) Whitehall Mystery
4) Downforce
5) This War of Mine
Unfortunately quite a few games have been delayed this year, because the trend goes more and more to a US release in August at GenCon and a Europe release in October at Essen. This is not an evil plot against European board game geeks, but more a result of cost savings because this way you can split your stock and delivery part of it directly to GenCon and afterwards to US distributors and part of it goes a bit later to Essen and from there to European distributors. Which makes perfect sense, especially for smaller publisher.
And here are the Top 5 Pre-Orders which are dominated by the first big hitters we added to ourEssen section :
1) Photosynthesis
2) Nusfjord
3) Terraforming Mars: Venus Next
4) Queendomino
5) Raiders of the North Sea
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