Two Changes at our Main Supplier

Home > Nouvelles de la boutique > Two Changes at our Main Supplier

Esdevium/Asmodee UK, the largest distributor of board games in the UK and one of our main suppliers, has changed some of his procedures in the last couple of weeks.

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The two main changes are:

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  • Every Thursday evening we receive the newsletter with next week's new releases. Orders of these new releases would normally been processed Friday between 1pm and 3pm, so we would could confirm before the weekend what we would receive the following week. But to give retailers more time to place their orders, the orders now won't get processed before Monday morning. So from now on we won't be able to confirm our new releases before Monday afternoon.
  • Esdevium has opened a new warehouse for orders to offer more stock to UK retailers. But processing the stock in this new warehouse will take longer than usual. Whereas the normal restock orders from the old warehouse will get processed within 24h and are here within 2-3 days, the stock from the new warehouse will arrive within 5-7 days. That's why we have added a new stock status to our website to clearly mark those items. Most of them would have previously been marked as out of stock, because we had no access to them before the moved into the old Esdevium warehouse, so this is definitely an improvement for us and our customers.
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