Nouvelles de la boutique

Stock update (05/01/2017)

I have spent most of yesterday answering emails and preparing orders for shipping. With most of it done, today I had some time to check all the deliveries that waited...

Stock update (05/01/2017)

I have spent most of yesterday answering emails and preparing orders for shipping. With most of it done, today I had some time to check all the deliveries that waited...

Christmas break

The shop is now closed for our Christmas break and will open again on the 4th January. We will have some new games in stock that will get delivered during...

Christmas break

The shop is now closed for our Christmas break and will open again on the 4th January. We will have some new games in stock that will get delivered during...

Adrenaline is here

Good news:Adrenaline is finally here. We've already send out all the payment requests for the pre-orders and will start shipping the game tomorrow morning. we have a surprise: thanks to...

Adrenaline is here

Good news:Adrenaline is finally here. We've already send out all the payment requests for the pre-orders and will start shipping the game tomorrow morning. we have a surprise: thanks to...

Christmas Dates 2016

We have received confirmation from our parcel service about the last post date for Christmas: Parcels shipped until the 20th December will be delivered in time for Christmas.We will accept...

Christmas Dates 2016

We have received confirmation from our parcel service about the last post date for Christmas: Parcels shipped until the 20th December will be delivered in time for Christmas.We will accept...

Top 5 in Sales and Pre-Orders during November

Last month was the busiest November I've ever had. Nearly daily I had new games coming in and lots of pre-orders to handle - all in all a crazy month,...

Top 5 in Sales and Pre-Orders during November

Last month was the busiest November I've ever had. Nearly daily I had new games coming in and lots of pre-orders to handle - all in all a crazy month,...

Bloodborne: Card Game and Inis delayed

Maybe it is only me, but it looks like this year there are a lot more delays and other problems like small number of available copies with some of the...

Bloodborne: Card Game and Inis delayed

Maybe it is only me, but it looks like this year there are a lot more delays and other problems like small number of available copies with some of the...