Nouvelles de la boutique

Featured Image - Bonfire - Playthrough

Bonfire: Playthrough

wp:paragraph Bonfire is the new board game from Stefan Feld. Pegasus has announced it for a release in September. /wp:paragraph wp:quote {"className":"is-style-default"} The bonfires are sources of light, energy and...

Bonfire: Playthrough

wp:paragraph Bonfire is the new board game from Stefan Feld. Pegasus has announced it for a release in September. /wp:paragraph wp:quote {"className":"is-style-default"} The bonfires are sources of light, energy and...

New Releases 26_08_2020

Two weeks in one

wp:paragraph The shop is open again and the new releases from last week and this week have arrived and are now online. /wp:paragraph wp:paragraph In stock are the following board...

Two weeks in one

wp:paragraph The shop is open again and the new releases from last week and this week have arrived and are now online. /wp:paragraph wp:paragraph In stock are the following board...


Summer Break

wp:paragraph Meeples' Corner is now closed for our Summer Break. The shop will be open again from Monday, 24th August. /wp:paragraph wp:paragraph Placing an online order is still possible, but...

Summer Break

wp:paragraph Meeples' Corner is now closed for our Summer Break. The shop will be open again from Monday, 24th August. /wp:paragraph wp:paragraph Placing an online order is still possible, but...


Small World of Warcraft Unboxing

wp:paragraph The Small World of Warcraft board game is a new stand-alone game set in the universe of World of Warcraft. /wp:paragraph wp:image {"align":"center","id":16981,"sizeSlug":"large"} /wp:image wp:quote {"className":"is-style-default"} A new day...

Small World of Warcraft Unboxing

wp:paragraph The Small World of Warcraft board game is a new stand-alone game set in the universe of World of Warcraft. /wp:paragraph wp:image {"align":"center","id":16981,"sizeSlug":"large"} /wp:image wp:quote {"className":"is-style-default"} A new day...

New Releases 11_08_2020

Five new board games (11/08/2020)

wp:paragraph With business slowly getting back to normal for everyone involved in the board game industry, we are also seeing a return to normality for the weekly new releases schedule....

Five new board games (11/08/2020)

wp:paragraph With business slowly getting back to normal for everyone involved in the board game industry, we are also seeing a return to normality for the weekly new releases schedule....


Dune game from the creators of Clank

wp:paragraph Direwolf Digital, the creators of the popular deck-building game Clank, have teased a new game: the Dune Imperium board game is a deck-building and worker placement game set in...

Dune game from the creators of Clank

wp:paragraph Direwolf Digital, the creators of the popular deck-building game Clank, have teased a new game: the Dune Imperium board game is a deck-building and worker placement game set in...