This week we are expecting a small number of new releases than usual, but all of them are quite interesting. Confirmed are:
/wp:paragraph wp:image {"id":4211,"align":"center","width":299,"height":300} /wp:image wp:list /wp:list wp:paragraphBoth are expected to arrive tomorrow afternoon with pre-orders getting shipped on Wednesday.
/wp:paragraph wp:image {"id":4212,"align":"center","width":452,"height":450} /wp:image wp:list /wp:list wp:paragraphThese three games will get released on Thursday, with the pre-orders shipping first before we are processing new orders.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphAnd for the end of the week, we are expecting Volfyirion, a two-player deckbuilding game with amazing artwork.
/wp:paragraph wp:image {"id":4213} /wp:image