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Venice is releasing tomorrow (25th March)

Home > Shop News > Venice is releasing tomorrow (25th March)

The Venice board game, the new game from Braincrack Games (Ragusa), will get released tomorrow. We will receive our stock this afternoon, so all pre-orders can get shipped tomorrow morning.

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Venice lets players take the role of wealthy, influential merchants as they ride their gondolas up and down the city's canals, train their assistants, complete contracts, and leverage their influence to gain political power. But business is anything but usual. As they broker contracts and flirt with crime, merchants must avoid arousing the suspicion of the Venetian Inquisition, lest they find themselves arrested and their businesses shut down.

(Source: Publisher description)
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Venice Board Game cover
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Joel from the Devon Dice podcast posted an Unboxing video last week, so have a look at the really nice components of the game:

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