A few weeks ago we tested three different Mystery Boxes in one of our weekly board game auctions on Facebook. The feedback was quite good, so from today, these Mystery Boxes (we call them Secret Meeple) are available to buy on our website.
/wp:paragraph wp:image {"id":17909,"sizeSlug":"large"} /wp:image wp:paragraphThe three different boxes are:
/wp:paragraph wp:list- Secret Meeple Small - three card games or smaller board games with a total value of at least £30
- Secret Meeple Medium - two normal-sized board/card games with a total value of at least £50
- Secret Meeple Large - three normal-sized board/card games with a total value of at least £75
If you would like to know what to expect, here is an unboxing video of one of the Secret Meeple Boxes we tested in the board game auction (a big "Thank you" to Devon Dice for the video).
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