It is boiling outside and what better reason to hide from the sunshine inside than a new board game. Luckily we have some for you: five new games have arrived today.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphNew in stock are:
/wp:paragraph wp:woocommerce/handpicked-products {"columns":5,"editMode":false,"contentVisibility":{"title":true,"price":true,"rating":true,"button":false},"products":[23655,23653,22919,20391,23657],"alignButtons":true} / wp:paragraphMission ISS is the German Edition from Schmidt Spiele. But there is no text on the components and the designer has already posted the English rules on BGG.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphAnd these five are not all the games we are expecting for this week. Later today we are expecting our first delivery from French publisher Hachette who has started a UK distribution business for all their games.