A Feast for Odin: The Norwegians Update

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The good news: The Norwegians expansion has finally arrived in the UK. The bad news: only in very small numbers.

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Box cover
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So for us, this means that of 24 copies we had pre-ordered with the UK distributor we only will get three copies. This, unfortunately, means that we won't be able to fulfil most of the pre-orders that have been placed with us.

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We have informed all our pre-order customers by email and are very sorry that it has come to this. Because at the moment we don't know if/when there will be a restock of the English edition, we are looking into ordering the German edition of the expansion which could be here sometime next week (and is with £24.95 also a lot cheaper than the English one).

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The only problem: there is some German text on the game boards and some tokens.

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Click on image to enlarge
Back of the German box
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For comparison here is a screenshot of the English components of the expansion:

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Click to enlarge
English components
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There is also a discussion on BGG about the language independency of the expansion:

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To be clear you won't need to know another language to be able to play it. 

However, the new action board and exploration boards will have text on them. For me personally this means I will be waiting for an English copy. 

It will be up to each individual though to know how important that is to them.

BGG forum
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If based on this informations anybody is interested in taking a copy of the German edition instead of the English edition, please let us know. We will place the order in Germany on Friday morning and should have the expansion in stock sometime next week.

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