Delayed Releases

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I've just updated our Pre-Order section and checked all the remaining July releases. Quite a lot of them won't make the originally estimated release date of July and have slipped into August.
The delayed games are:
  • 4 Seasons
  • Achai
  • Arena: For the Gods
  • 2x Champions of Midgard expansions
  • Dark Souls
  • Delve
  • Flip Ships
  • Hotshots
  • Junk Art (Plastic Edition)
  • Lisboa
  • Martians: A Story of Civilization
  • Master of Orion
  • Potion Explosion: The Fifth Ingredient
  • Sentient
  • The Expanse
  • The Lord of the Ice Garden
  • Vengeance
  • Witches of the Revolution

July was maybe always a bit optimistic because like they do with Essen releases in October more and more publishers are planning to release/present game at Gencon in August, so there is no hurry to release a game before the show.
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