FFG announces new set for KeyForge

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Yesterday FFG announced Age of Ascension the second set for KeyForge:

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Become a new Archon in Age of Ascension! As a new set of KeyForge, Age of Ascension mixes up the cardpool with 204 brand-new cards, joining 166 cards first introduced in Call of the Archons to create an entirely new pool of 370 cards and billions upon billions more Unique Decks for you to discover, learn, and master.

(FFG announcement)
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Starter Set box cover
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The estimated release date for Age of Ascension is June 2019. The Starter Set (£18.95) and the single Archon Decks (£7.95 each) are available to pre-order from today.

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Age of Ascension: What do we know so far?
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