
<strong>Five New Board Games to Pre-Order for Fall 2023</strong>

Home > Butiksnyheter > Five New Board Games to Pre-Order for Fall 2023

The fall of 2023 is shaping up to be a great time for board game enthusiasts. There are a number of exciting new games scheduled to be released in the coming months, including:

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Sleeping Gods Distant Skies cover
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  • Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies is a standalone sequel to the popular Sleeping Gods board game. Return to the world of Sleeping Gods and experience a thrilling tale that hinges on your choices in a truly open-world experience!
  • Kutna Hora: City of Silver is a historical city-building Eurogame for 2-4 players that features a real-life supply and demand experience in which every action you take has an impact on the game's dynamic economic systems.
  • Unmatched Adventures: Tales to Amaze which is themed around the pulp adventures, tall tales, and local legends of the mid-20th century, gives you a whole new way to play Unmatched.
  • IKI: Akebono is a new expansion for the IKI board game. This expansion introduces new characters, locations, and mechanics to the game.
  • Freelancers: A Crossroad Game condenses the fantasy RPG campaign experience into a single night of fun and mayhem. Create a character, roll funky dice, and blaze your way through multiple stories set in a world of magic, monsters, and murder. 
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These are just a few of the many great new board games that are scheduled to be released in the fall of 2023. If you are looking for some new games to add to your collection, be sure to check these out.

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Pre-order your copy today!

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