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Lost Ruins of Arnak Solo Campaign

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If you are enjoying the solo mode for Lost Ruins of Arnak, CGE has good news for you: they have released the first two chapters of their Lost Ruins of Arnak Solo Campaign:

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Find out what happened to professor Kutil in this free solo campaign for Lost Ruins of Arnak.

The famous scholar's expedition vanished somewhere in the uncharted waters of the Pacific Ocean—while searching for a mysterious island nobody believed existed. It seems the professor may have found what he was looking for, but what happened to his expedition? Only scarce traces of the team’s presence remain, but nothing truly explains where they are or what happened to them.

(Source: Publisher website)
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Chapter Three and Four will follow next week and the week after. You can either play the Solo Campaign by using a Web App on the CGE website or use the print-and-play version.

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Link: Lost Ruins of Arnak Solo Campaign Website

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