New shipping service and rates

Home > Butiksnyheter > New shipping service and rates

After five years with Yodel from Monday on we are using a new parcel service. Our parcels will from now get delivered by UK Mail/DHL on a next day service.

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This means that we can offer a faster service for every parcel and also should solve the problem that some of our customers had with Yodel. But unfortunately, it means that after five years of nearly unchanged shipping rates, we have to raise the shipping charges and also change our free shipping threshold.

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Shipping will be £5.99 for every order below £50, but from £50 and more the shipping charges will go down:

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Order Total Shipping charges
< £50 £5.99
£50 to £59.99 £4.99
£60 to £69.99 £3.99
£70 to £79.99 £2.99
£80 to £89.99 £1.99
£90 to £99.99 £0.99
> £100 Free
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I know that this is not ideal for most of our customers, especially at this time of the year. But caused by circumstances beyond our control this was the best solution we could find in the short time we had.

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We have tested the new service with some of our parcels this week and everything works fine and all parcels so far have been delivered the next day without any complications.

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