
Special Order: Hoplomachus - Victorum

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We are happy to announce another special order for a new game from Chip Theory Games.

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Hoplomachus Victorum (designed by Josh J. CarlsonAdam CarlsonLogan Giannini) is a standalone title from Chip Theory Games. It uses CTG’s acclaimed combat system from the Hoplomachus games, adding new twists with a focus on heroes and campaign play. Hoplomachus Victorum is a solo-only experience, offering an in-depth, rewarding adventure with deep strategic decisions and exciting combat. Set in the more epic and mythical world of Hoplomachus Victorum, this edition will pair the combat mechanisms fans know and love with beautiful updated lore, art and design

(source: publisher description)
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Hoplomachus Victorum hasn't been available at retail in the UK yet. We are expecting stock at the end of April/beginning of May. The pre-order window for the game is open from today until Friday, 21st April at 12pm.

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If you haven't heard about the game yet and want to know more, here is a video review:

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