Top 5 August

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August is the month of the school holidays, which is normally the time when we sell more family games and smaller games good for taking on a holiday.
This explains the two top games of our Top 5 in sales for August:
1) Ganz schön clever
2) Azul
3) Terraforming Mars: Prelude
4) Downforce: Danger Circuit
5) Skies Above the Reich
In our Top 5 Pre-Orders you can already spot two announced Essen releases. For September I expect the Essen releases to take over the Pre-Order Top 5.
Top 5 Pre-Orders
1) Arboretum (2018 Edition)
2) Teotihuacan City of Gods
3) Terraforming Mars: The Colonies
4) Altiplano: the Traveller
5) Forbidden Sky
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