Repos Productions has announced 7 Wonders Architects, a new game in the 7 Wonders universe:
/wp:paragraph wp:quote {"className":"is-style-default"}/wp:quote wp:image {"align":"center","id":24550,"width":332,"height":450,"sizeSlug":"full","linkDestination":"custom"} /wp:image wp:paragraphConstruct a wonder so magnificent, it will leave your mark on history! In 7 Wonders Architects, build one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world and gain as many victory points as possible to win the game!
Build your wonder stage by stage: watch your wonder take shape throughout the game and use its effects with each new stage you construct.
Choose and play: On your turn, choose one of three cards and immediately apply its effect. Your resources, gold, scientific discoveries, and army will guide your civilization to victory!
(Source: Publisher description)
The release date for 7 Wonders Architects is next month, so probably after the Essen convention. You can place your pre-order from today to secure your copy. But if you want to learn more about 7 Wonders Architects before you order, have a look at the Unboxing video from Asmodee UK:
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