
Dwellings of Eldervale is available again

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Today we have received a small delivery of the Second Edition of Dwellings of Eldervale. Dwellings of Eldervale blends worker placement, area control, engine building and unique worker units.

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The Second Edition is a direct-to-retail release and according to the publishers:

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Second Edition represents a reorganization of components that came in the initial (Kickstarter) printing. All available components are being split into discrete, unique sets of components that have no overlap or duplication. Deluxe and Legendary components are now separate sets of components available in upgrade kits.

(Publisher explanation on BGG.com)
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Dwellings of Eldervale Board Game (Second Edition Standard) banner
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Included in the Second Standard Edition are:

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The Mother of Dragons miniature (originally in Deluxe), the Frost Giant (miniature, standee, game card - originally in Legendary), and Bifrost Bridge tile (originally in Legendary) have been added to this Standard (base game) version!

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Dwellings of Eldervale - English second Standard edition includes:

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  • 8 Dual-sided Player Mats/Faction Boards in Custom Gametrayz
  • 6 Dungeon, Resource, Hex, Core Gametrayz
  • 72 Custom Meeples, 8 Player Colors
  • 48 Custom Meeple Dwellings, 8 Player Colors
  • 48 Wooden Score Markers, 8 Player Colors
  • 53 Marbled D6 Dice, 8 Player (+1 Monster) Colors
  • 1 Elemental Scoreboard and Underworld
  • 32 Unique Elemental and Ruin Hex Tiles
  • 24 Ghosts of Eldervale Solo Mode Cards
  • 1 Ghosts of Eldervale Playmat & Watcher Meeple
  • 60 Magic Cards
  • 104 Adventure Cards, with Unique Fantasy Art
  • 8 Starter Player Faction Cards
  • 10 Monster Cards, Custom Art/Abilities
  • 10 Monster Standees & 12 Plastic Stands
  • 1 Mother of Dragons miniature
  • 1 Frost Giant miniature
  • 9 Glass Bead “Orbs”
  • 120 Cardboard Resources
  • 10 Cardboard Tactics & Trove Tokens
  • 5 Player Reference Aides, Appendix Booklet
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The Mother of Dragons miniature (originally in Deluxe), the Frost Giant (miniature, standee, game card - originally in Legendary), and Bifrost Bridge tile (originally in Legendary) have been added to this Standard (base game) version!

(Publisher explanation on BGG.com)
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The Upgrade Kits to Deluxe and Legendary are not available yet, according to the UK distributor they are expected for Q1/Q2 2023.

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