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Equinox from Knizia announced by Plan B Games

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Plan B Games has announced a new game designed by Reiner Knizia: the Equinox board game is based on an older game from FFG called Colossal Arena.

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In the Equinox board game, mysterious creatures gather in the forest in an effort to write themselves into the legendary storybook and for tales to be shared for countless generations. However, there is room for only four more stories — not every story will be recorded, so the creatures have to be cunning and clever to outwit their opponents and make the cut.

The Equinox board game is a deeply satisfying betting game that gives players agency to influence the outcome of this competition. Each round, players place numbered power cards in front of the creatures, with the lowest-valued creature being eliminated from play. Players also place bets on which creatures they think will make it into the storybook, and you can use the special powers of these creatures to ideally turn things to your advantage.

(Source: Publisher description)
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Equinox Board Game (Green Box)
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The game has a planned release date of April 2021. It will be available with a green box (above) and a purple box. Both editions are the same game, only the box artwork is different.

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And looking at the trailer for the game, I have to say it looks much better than the old FFG game:

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