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Era Expansion in stock

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Good news: the first Era expansion Rivers & Roads has arrived yesterday. All pre-orders will get shipped today, if you haven't paid for your pre-order yet, please check your order history on your account page.

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Era Medieval Age Rivers & Roads Expansion cover
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The Era Medieval Age Rivers & Roads Expansion invites players to return to Era: Medieval Age, the world’s first “roll & build” game, with tons of new content. Included in this expansion are roads and rivers to connect domains to the world outside their own. Players will discover new structures and develop new strategies as they build their way to victory!

With all these new opportunities comes a bit of risk as players will be challenged by a new disaster. Lastly, four scenarios are included in the game to give players an opportunity to become familiar with the new gameplay mechanisms.

(Source: Publisher description)
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And thanks to the Dice Tower Daily Unboxings we can also take a look at all the new components and content the expansion adds to Era: Medieval Age.

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