
New Year and a new lockdown

Home > Shop-Nachrichten > New Year and a new lockdown

This was supposed to be a happy blogpost about the New Year and being back at the shop. Instead we have a new lockdown in place.

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This means that the shop in Crediton will be closed until further notice (the lockdown is to last at least until half-term, but some are already saying that it has to last until March before the vaccine has any effect). In the meantime, we offer click&collect for our customers in Crediton.

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The online shop will stay open and hopefully we will also continue to receive new releases from Asmodee UK and our European suppliers. The next few days should bring more clarity from our suppliers, with most of them returning to work sometime this week.

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But with my new part-time job as a Reception and Year 6 teacher everything will be a bit slower than usual. I will try to stay as active as possible on social media and on this blog, but especially the first few days will be difficult.

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Stay safe everyone!

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