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Obsession: Pre-order open

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The pre-orders for the Obsession board game and the Wessex expansion are now live.

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Obsession Board Game (2nd Edition) cover
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You are the head of a respected but troubled family estate in mid-19th century Victorian England. After several lean decades, family fortunes are looking up! Your goal is to improve your estate so as to be in better standing with the truly influential families in Derbyshire.

The Obsession board game is a game of 16 to 20 turns in which players build a deck of Victorian gentry (British social upper class), renovate their estate by acquiring building tiles from a centralized builders' market, and manipulate an extensive service staff of butlers, housekeepers, underbutlers, maids, valets, and footmen utilizing a novel worker placement mechanic. Successfully hosting prestigious social activities such as Fox Hunts, Music Recitals, Billiards, Political Debates, and Grand Balls increases a player's wealth, reputation, and connections among the elite.

(Source: Publisher description)
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The Wessex Expansion adds a fifth family board to the Obsession board game that gives the advantage of a larger starting country estate.

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Both items, the base game and expansion, are expected to arrive sometime in March.

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