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Quacks Of Quedlinburg Big Box released

Home > Shop-Nachrichten > Quacks Of Quedlinburg Big Box released

The Quacks Of Quedlinburg Big Box has been released this week and has arrived at the shop today. And it is really a big box:

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The box contains the award-winning base game, the Herb Witches expansion and the mini-expansion Wolfgang's Exchange Office.

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Both the original The Quacks of Quedlinburg, and The Herb Witches expansion, all packaged up in one big box bundle! Also thrown in for good measure is the mini-expansion, Wolfgang’s Exchange Office.

The Quacks of Quedlinburg board game is the winner of Kennerspiel des Jahres 2018

The best quack surgeons from across the land gather to brew their concoctions against smelly feet, homesickness and hiccups. Every quack has their own special brew they hope will make them the best miracle doctor in the land!

To brew your potions, draw ingredients from the shared supply bag. Take care with what you draw, as too many peas could spoil the mixture.

Do you stop early to improve your chances of making a better potion later, or do you risk a big setback to get more money and fame now?

(Source: Publisher description)
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