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Talisman RPG coming soon

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Good news for all fans of Talisman: Pegasus Spiele has confirmed that the brand new Talisman RPG will arrive soon at their warehouse.

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Talisman Adventures RPG cover
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Pegasus took over the Talisman licence back in 2017 and has since been busy reprinting the classic board game, releasing a family friendly board and working on the RPG. If you haven't heard about the game, here is a short description:

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Begin your exploration of the Realm with the Core Rulebook for the Talisman Adventures Fantasy Roleplaying Game! Magical forests, treacherous mountains, deadly dungeons, and more await you between these pages. Begin your adventures as any of ten classes (assassin, druid, minstrel, priest, prophet, scout, sorcerer, thief, warrior, or wizard) and seven ancestries (elf, dwarf, human, ghoul, leywalker, troll, and sprite).

The Talisman Adventures Fantasy Roleplaying Game rules are fast-paced, easy to learn, and feature the new 3D6 Adventures rules set. With these rules, the players take the lead and determine the action as their characters explore magical new lands, encounter enigmatic strangers, and do battle against terrible monsters. This book provides a multitude of enemies, strangers, followers, mysterious locations, and magic items to include in your adventures. Forbidden knowledge and fabulous treasures — perhaps even the fabled Talisman of the Great Wizard — await the daring and heroic.

(Source: Publisher description)
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And if you want to hear more details about how the game works and how it compares to other RPG games out there, please watch the following video:

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