The new year is already two weeks old and we are back to normal at the shop. This week was the first full week and we had quite a few new arrivals:
/wp:paragraph wp:image {"id":26627,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"media"} /wp:image wp:paragraphNew in stock are:
/wp:paragraph wp:list- Bitoku
- High Score (new dice game from R. Knizia)
- Luna Capital
- Messina 1347
- Paris: Eiffel
- Stroganov
These are the new arrivals, but we also had one highly-regarded restock: Paleo, the Kennerspiel 2022, is finally back in stock.
/wp:paragraph wp:image {"align":"center","id":26596,"width":675,"height":450,"sizeSlug":"full","linkDestination":"media"} /wp:image wp:paragraphLooking forward to next week, the following new releases have been confirmed:
/wp:paragraph wp:woocommerce/handpicked-products {"columns":4,"editMode":false,"orderby":"title","products":[25078,23440,21892,23172],"alignButtons":true} / wp:paragraphAnd we also started adding new pre-orders to the website. Here are the two most exciting:
/wp:paragraph wp:list- Dune: Imperium Deluxe Upgrade Pack - originally not planned for a retail release, now we are expecting it to arrive in the UK next month
- Dungeons, Dice And Danger - the next game from Alea Spiele designed by Richard Garfield. I enjoy his games, so I will definitely have a look at this Roll-and-Write.