Featured Image Blog February 1st Week

Confirmed new releases for next week

Home > Noticias de la tienda > Confirmed new releases for next week

With all the uncertainty and delays at the moment, it is always good to get confirmation of new games arriving soon. For next week we now know of six games/expansions that will arrive.

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On Monday we will get:

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Its a Wonderful Kingdom cover
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And later in the week (more likely last minute on Friday morning/afternoon) we are expecting:

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  • Port Royal Big Box - includes the base game, two expansions, one prome and the standalone travel game
  • Dungeons, Dice And Danger - the new game from Alea designed by Richard Garfield. This is a Roll & Write game with a fantasy theme.
  • Lorenzo Big Box - includes the base game as well as all five expansions
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On Tuesday we will get a few more updates from our regular suppliers, maybe there will be some late additions to the releases for next week.

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