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Featured Image Blog - DelayedReleases

Release Date Updates

wp:paragraph The last 16 months have been a challenge in regards to release dates for new games. It is slowly getting better, but there are still lots of problems along...

Release Date Updates

wp:paragraph The last 16 months have been a challenge in regards to release dates for new games. It is slowly getting better, but there are still lots of problems along...

Featured Image Blog Next Week

New releases for week 27 confirmed

wp:paragraph We just received confirmation of the new releases arriving next week. It's not the busiest week, but we will get four interesting looking board games. /wp:paragraph wp:paragraph The following...

New releases for week 27 confirmed

wp:paragraph We just received confirmation of the new releases arriving next week. It's not the busiest week, but we will get four interesting looking board games. /wp:paragraph wp:paragraph The following...


Lost Ruins of Arnak Expansion announced

wp:paragraph Lost Ruins of Arnak has been a big hit for CGE. Highly regarded by critics and players alike and nominated for the Kennerspiel des Jahres, the game has been...

Lost Ruins of Arnak Expansion announced

wp:paragraph Lost Ruins of Arnak has been a big hit for CGE. Highly regarded by critics and players alike and nominated for the Kennerspiel des Jahres, the game has been...

Featured Image Blog New Preorders GWT

New Pre-orders available

wp:paragraph We are constantly adding new board games to our website. To make sure that they are not getting lost, here a look at some of the highlights of the...

New Pre-orders available

wp:paragraph We are constantly adding new board games to our website. To make sure that they are not getting lost, here a look at some of the highlights of the...


End of the week: New Board Game Releases

wp:paragraph As it has become the new routine this week we also received a big last-minute delivery of new board games on Friday. The delivery included new games from Queen...

End of the week: New Board Game Releases

wp:paragraph As it has become the new routine this week we also received a big last-minute delivery of new board games on Friday. The delivery included new games from Queen...

Featured Image Blog - Dragomino

Dragomino wins Kinderspiel des Jahres

wp:paragraph Dragomino (designed by Bruno Cathala, Marie Fort and Wilfried Fort) is the Kinderspiel des Jahres winner 2021. /wp:paragraph wp:gallery {"ids":[23090,23089],"linkTo":"none","align":"wide"} /wp:gallery wp:quote In this standalone children’s version of “Kingdomino”, the winner...

Dragomino wins Kinderspiel des Jahres

wp:paragraph Dragomino (designed by Bruno Cathala, Marie Fort and Wilfried Fort) is the Kinderspiel des Jahres winner 2021. /wp:paragraph wp:gallery {"ids":[23090,23089],"linkTo":"none","align":"wide"} /wp:gallery wp:quote In this standalone children’s version of “Kingdomino”, the winner...