
Pagan: Fate of Roanoke

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Pagan: Fate of Roanoke is a new two-player card game from Wyrmgold. Here is a short description from BGG:

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Pagan: Fate of Roanoke from Kasper Kjær Christiansen and Kåre Werner Storgaard is a deduction expandable card game set in colonial America of 1587. The essence of the asymmetrical game is the witch's struggle against the witch hunter. As the witch strives to complete a ritual, the hunter tries to track her down and find out her true identity. Both players access variable card decks with 50 cards each and use different resources to defeat the other side.

(Source: Publisher description)
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Our supplier has confirmed that the stock will get shipped to us this week and should arrive the last week of June.

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In addition to the base game, we will get the first expansion Beyond the Palisades, the Mind Game and Close Encounters content packs and the official play mat.

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