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End of half term stock update

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I apologise for the lack of updates this week, but half term is always a busy week at the shop and with the children at home. I wanted to give you at least a quick stock update because we had two large deliveries from Germany this week and also our regular delivery from Asmodee UK. The latter was not very big and, unfortunately, it will be the same next week. But it is not the next week yet, so here a look at this week's arrivals:

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From Oink Games we got their new game Durian and a restock of Insider, Deep Sea Adventure and A Fake Artist Goes To New York. I can especially recommend Deep Sea Adventure, which is a great push-your-luck game and perfect to take along to the pub.

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Next is a restock from Czech Games Edition: Under Falling Skies (great solo game) and Lost Ruins of Arnak (nominated for the Kennerspiel des Jahres and my favourite to win the award) are both available again. And don't forget that CGE has published a multi-part solo campaign for Lost Ruins, which is available for free on their website.

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With the same delivery, we received four games/expansions from German publisher Zoch: Menara and the Rituals & Ruins expansions are two sleeper hits with our customers. Menara is a great game, to begin with, but the expansion makes it even more interesting. Gezanke auf der Planke and In Windes Eule are two new games from the publisher. Despite the German titles, both of them include English rules and look like good games for the family. These two are not on the website yet, but I will add them on Monday.

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Back in stock is High Frontier 4 All and the three expansion modules Terrawatt & Futures, Colonization and Conflict. All four items have been available a few weeks ago, but quickly sold out. So if you are interested, please don't wait for too long.

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Three new board games
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And last but not least: Three new board games that all arrived this week. King of 12 is a new bluffing game from Lucky Duck Games. Masters of the Night is a cooperative game about a vampire clan settling down in a new city. Lost Cities: Roll & Write is a new R&W game from Reiner Knizia based on his highly regarded Lost Cities game. For this one, we only received enough stock to ship all pre-orders, but hopefully, we will get more stock soon.

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That's all for this week. Next week all will be back to normal and I should be able to post more regulary and also publish a new video on Youtube. Have a nice weekend!

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