
The little Crew of Kameloot and Glen More

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Please accept my apologies for the long radio silence on our blog site. But now with the schools starting again, everything goes back to normal at the shop and we are preparing for a hopefully busy autumn.

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September is normally the start of the busy time with a wave of new games coming in after the Gencon in the US. But this year is different and we already know from Asmodee UK that the usual tide of new releases will be a lot smaller this year.

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So we are quite happy that we already have received six new releases this week with two more coming in later this week.

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In stock now are:

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The Crew Mission Deep Sea cover
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Arriving on Thursday is the Cascadia Kickstarter Edition (includes the Kickstarter promo cards) and on Friday is the release of the Edge Of The Earth Investigator Expansion for the Arkham Horror Card Game.

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Arkham Horror Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion
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