A Feast for Odin: German Edition

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Last Friday A Feast for Odin has been released in the Uk. Unfortunately in such small numbers that we couldn't fulfil all our pre-orders. According to the UK distributor of the game it will also be a while before any new stock will be available.
That is why I've contacted the publisher of theGerman edition which is still available and and asked them if I can order the game from him.festfuerodin
The good news: The game is in stock and can be shipped the moment I've placed and paid our order. It is also cheaper (£59.95 instead of £74.95) than the English Edition. 3
The bad news: there is some text on the components. I've spoken to a few people who have played the game and according to them this won't be a big problem because the rulebook includes an index for all the cards. The English rules and the card index are available for download on BGG.com.
I will wait a couple of days with the order to see how high the interest in the German edition is. I will place my order on Friday, which hopefully means that the game will arrive here during the week after Halloween.
Link:A Feast for Odin on BGG
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