August Top 5

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August was a surprisingly busy month, so I thought I have a look at the bestselling games to check why it was so busy.
For a better understanding of what happened and out of interest which games did well, I had a look at the Top 5 games sold and the Top 5 game pre-ordered.
Here are the Top 5 in Sales:
1. Captain Sonar
2. Sushi Go Party!
3. Scythe
4. Legendary: Civil War
5. IsleboundCaptainSonar Captain Sonar was the surprise hit of the month: I couldn't get the game in fast enough. At the moment the game is out of stock, but hopefully we will get a restock in soon.SushiGoParty Sushi Go Party ! was a July release, but kept on selling very strongly all through August. I guess it is a very good game to take a long on a family holiday.Scythe Scythe was the expected hit, only limited by the small number of copies available because of the limited UK release. The game should be back in October, when it gets officially released in Europe.
Legendary is still going strong so it was no surprise thatCivil War , the newest big box expansion sold very well, especially following the release of the new Marvel movie.
And rounding up the Top 5 isIslebound , another great release from Red Raven Games that follows in the footsteps of the highly successful Above and Below.
Here are the Top 5 Pre-Orders:
1. Terraforming Mars
2. Cry Havoc
3. Last Friday
4. Bios: Genesis
5. OceanosterraformingmarscryhavocTerraforming Mars andCry Havoc are topping the Hotness list on since the end of Gencon now, so no wonder that they are the most pre-ordered games at the moment.lastfriday Last Friday is an interesting looking game from Ares Games: it is as hidden movement game in the vain of Letters from Whitechapel or Fury of Dracula. But the game has a nice twist that separates it from these games: the hiding character is actually chasing the investigators.bios_genesis Bios: Genesis is another great looking game from Sierra Madre Games. Interest in them is always high, so again no surprise here.Oceanos Oceanos is another great looking game from Antoine Bauza: It's a "game of underwater exploration with an original take on card-drafting."
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