Bloodborne: Card Game and Inis delayed

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Maybe it is only me, but it looks like this year there are a lot more delays and other problems like small number of available copies with some of the Essen releases. And now two more games have been hit with a delay:
  • Bloodborne Card Game: The game has already been released in the US, but unfortunately it can't be released in the UK yet, because of licensing issues. The publisher so far only has the licence to the US market, but is working on adding the UK licence. According to a blog entry this shouldn't take long and the publisher hopes to solve the problem soon and start selling the game in the UK. But I don't have a new release date for the game yet.
  • Inis:Unfortunately there haven't been any news regarding the UK release of the game since Essen and after originally announced release date passed without any news, I've started contacting Matagot and Esdevium (the UK distributor) to find out what is going on. Yesterday I have received an answer from both explaining the situation and it doesn't look good: the English edition of the game is completely sold out in Europe and it won't be available before the reprint arrives in January. Reason for this is that Matagot has shipped the remaining stock after Essen to Asmodee North America and Europe has to wait for the reprint. This is a completely crazy situation, especially after Matagot generated all this hype for the game in Europe. But with Matagot having no stock left of the game, there is no chance for me to get the game from somewhere else to get it in quicker.
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